January 2024 (7 months ago)

The Principle of Contrast

2 min read (235 words)
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Cold, bitter coffee + donuts

Lettuce + oily meat (hamburgers)

being in icy cold dresden in april and being transplanted into georgia spring. it makes you appreciate things more.

the argument ‘there are poor people in X’ is a poor argument for gratefulness because there is no possibility of contrast. it’s not conceivable that you could be them and that they could be you. what would inspire gratefulness is feeling contrast near to you.

the feeling of missing death after almost crashing.

I would ask how to bring more contrast into our lives. moreover, I would ask how to be able to feel more contrast and make the experience longer-lasting. and how to not get numb to contrast. I almost died recently by falling off my scooter in front of a truck. Yet I didn’t feel as much as a teenager would. My arm hurt a fair amount, but I just brushed it off and went to class. I don’t feel anything now when I’m in Berlin Hbf; it doesn’t feel overwhelming at all, but it did 2-3 years ago when I visited for the first time.

do you stop feeling contrast once you’ve experienced enough and basically become an adult? or is there more contrast to come? maybe that’s old age. we just feel less. the flame burns less brightly.

that’s a kind of a sad definition for an adult. the moment when things in the world cease to inspire you.